Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rambling Sunday

It is crunch time. This is the last week of my MBA program through the University of Phoenix.  I need to create a Strategic Plan for an organization and study for a final exam on ALL of my classes.  I am not too worried about  creating a strategic plan but I am worried about the final exam.  I actually have until the 8th to complete everything but I am hoping to be done with my exam and paper by Friday.  I have tentative plans for a date on Saturday and Sunday is a Super Bowl party.  The last thing I want to worry about is an exam.

Yesterday a friend dropped off a CD of pictures she had taken from our Lake Powell trip in September.  She is an amateur photographer and her camera was never far away.  It was a blast to see all the pictures months after the fact.  I laughed so hard, it was like I was there again.  That was the most relaxing vacation I have ever been on.  I can't wait to do it again.

I have been slacking on my weight loss plan. I've been drinking too much Coke and not enough water.  And the 30 minutes of daily exercise hasn't happened yet.  I have been going to my twice a week exercise classes though.  Now it is time to kick it up a notch and really work on this goal.  Especially after seeing the pictures that were taken of me at Lake Powell.

I am refinishing the cabinets in my kitchen.  It all started with a broken hinge.  I have repainted the inside of the cabinets but am in the process of scraping about 7 layers of paint off of the doors.  I had hoped to have it completed by Saturday but the school work has to take precedence.

The dog is at it again.  This time he has chewed off the face of the gas meter.  You know the one that protects all the little dials and stuff.  I am so not looking forward to the call with the gas company tomorrow. I've since moved him so that he can no longer get to it.  If my sister didn't already have two dogs, I think I would send him over there to live.  I love my dog but lately he is driving me a wee bit crazy.

Enough of my ramblings.  I am off to switch and fold laundry, pick up my son from his dad's, fix something for dinner, do more laundry, and study. 


Linda said...

You've got ALOT on your plate sister! It's ok, have the cokes, you can start fresh after exams! Good luck with everything and just think, next weekend you can play!

I've done well without my regular Pepsi. I'm on week 3 of drinking diet. I don't like it but I'm doin' it!

just call me jo said...

Whew! I'm exhausted just reading all this. Can there be too much Coke? (I do diet, but...same difference) I'm a fiend. I struggle with the weight thing too. I just WANT to eat. Even when I'm watching "The Biggest Loser." Sigh!