Tuesday, September 13, 2011


What do you do when you hit a bump in the road?  Do you change course? Stand still? Or plow over it?  

As many of you know, for the last few years my soon-to-be seventeen year old son has been writing a book - rather a series of books.  He is determined to become a published author and I am 100% behind him on this.   When he hits a bump in the road to this dream, he just plows right over it.  When the dog ate the memory stick he saved his book to, Austin just re-wrote all 150 pages.  No problem. 

A couple of months ago he sent his book to his step-mother's friend who is an editor for a publishing company.  They publish LDS books, so they definitely won't be publishing his, but she was kind enough to offer her editing services and comments.   Today he received an e-mail from her.  Overall she likes the story and has given him a lot of constructive criticism.  Where I would probably curl up in a ball and take it as "I suck!" Austin says this, "I'm going to take her suggestions, make  some changes and send it back to her."  Then he eagerly reads through her notes and starts coming up with ideas to put her suggestions into action. 

Homecoming is this coming weekend - on his birthday.  He has had a crush on a girl in his class since the beginning of last school year.  This year he asked her to the dance.  He and his step-mom made an invitation.  The wheres and whens included all of the info for the dance with a note that said, "You would make my birthday wish come true if you would go to homecoming with me." Or something like that.  He had  told her in a previous conversation that the dance was on his birthday.  She already had a date for the dance and had to say no.  He was a little down about it but instead of letting it get to him, he asked another friend.

I know he was disappointed but instead of letting it ruin Homecoming and his birthday he chose to move forward and adjust the plan.  I could learn from this kid. 

When I run into a bump, my first instinct is to curl up and say "I can't do this."  Then I usually go down a completely different path leading me further and further away from my dreams.  I did this with school.  When I decided to go back to school, I wanted to be a teacher. I looked at the schedule I would have and how that would work with being a single mom, working full-time, and decided I couldn't do it.  Instead I went to the University of Phoenix and pursued a business degree.  I then compounded that mistake by getting an MBA also through the University of Phoenix.   That's just one example of moving further away from what I really want in my life.

I let the bumps hinder and scare me instead of plowing forward. 

From this point forward, I am going to plow through.  I am not going to let myself curl up and say "I can't".  I am going to learn from my son's example.  I am going to attack the weight loss bump.  The big one. 

Wish me luck!



Cynthia said...

I loved this post!

To be fair, the great benefit of youth is that you haven't failed yet and thus don't fear it the way we do as adults. I believe this is absolutely by divine design. There is a phrase I love that says "All great things in this world are done by people who are naive and have an idea that is obviously impossible".

For all my failures and shortcomings, one of my greatest strengths is plowing through and doing things people with good sense didn't think could be done. I will tell you that the secret is doing as many things like that as you can. Do anything that is good but scares you. I fail at stuff all the time. The trick is to have so much 'stuff' happening that, on the average, you succeed more than you fail. Nothing erases fear of failure quicker than trying, failing and realizing you are strong enough to handle it. Try it! Go fail a little at several things because you'll also find success.

Holly said...

Your son sounds like an amazing kid. My daughter is the same way, she has always been so much braver, smarter, and talented than I could ever hope to be. Kids, go figure.

just call me jo said...

You go girl. I get high centered on bumps and spin out. Here's hoping you do better. You will. I know it!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

There is nothing more precious than wisdom gained through the example of our children!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is a wonderful dream of your son's! Wow! Whatever you did to instill that kind of dream...way to go.

Bumps in the road........I'm afraid I'm a "I wanna go another way" kinda gal.
I'm tired of tough stuff.

Mom of 12 said...

What an awesome kid! I've tried to get things published before and it's hard. Good for him!

mCat said...

Love the insight here. Austin is an amazing example, ya done good momma!

Bumps were never my forte...depending on what it is, I either plow through, or crumble right in the road.
Physical pain, exertion, toughness - I will plow but hurt my feelings? And I am a puddle.

I gotta figure out how to balance the two