Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Product Idea

I am in a mighty battle with my addiction to Coke (not the powder, the beverage).  You can see my addiction post here.  I have tried to substitute the urge for a fountain Coke in the morning with ice tea, water, ANYTHING,  but nothing matches that first cold, tingly sip, and the "AHH!" moment that follows.  This addiction is not helping me win the weight loss war.  It is a glaring weakness in my loosely defined plan

To help Coke addicts everywhere who are trying to cut back, I propose a new product, the "Coca Cola Shot".

A tiny,  ice cold bottle that perfectly catches the flavor and "AHH!" moment of that very first sip of a fountain Coke.  Add the full amount of caffeine you would find in a 32 ounce fountain Coke, with the sugar content of that very first sip and I think Coca Cola would have a product to satisfy Coke addicts everywhere who want to enjoy that "AHH!" moment and still lose weight.

Note to the executives of The Coca -Cola Company.  If by some odd quirk of fate you stumble upon this idea and chose to produce it I would appreciate at least a 10% cut. Thank you very much!


just call me jo said...

I take it you don't enjoy Diet Coke...It's my "Aaahh" of choice, thought I think the sodium and artificial sweetners still contribute to weight gain. It can't be the junk I put in my mouth, can it? I drink waaay too much of DC. Hope you can kick the addiction, but life is short. I figure if that's the worst of my indulgences then I should go for it. I have no will power. I admit it.

Amy said...

I can't stand Diet Coke. Yuck! I have no will power either but I have cut back quite a bit.

Cynthia said...

Sing it girl! That is a GREAT idea- you'd be totally rich just off Mormons alone (tee hee!) I have cut back on the Diet Coke dramatically but did cave and have a fountain DC this morning. It HAS to be from a fountain- I can totally pass on every other source.

Amy said...

I prefer the fountain but will go directly out of a can when I am at a cook-out, camping, etc. I do have cans in the fridge but I only drink those in a glass on ice. I am so like my mom that way.

Randi said...

I'm a Diet Coke drinker. Like a LOT. But I keep thinking I need to quit the caffeineor. I'm working up to it slowly, OK?

Linda said...

I'm trying to give up my regular pepsi for diet and I hate it. Hate it! There's nothing like a fresh, regular pepsi from a fountain first thing in the morning! Ahhhhh!