Thursday, December 15, 2011


To put it mildly, some people are complete jackwagons! My former church, my sister's church, and the church where my friend's funeral was held a few years ago was vandalized early this morning.  Idiots broke in and set fire to several different areas of the building.  A fundraiser was to be held there tonight for a family of a cancer patient.  The man, who lives by my sister, was diagnosed a few months ago with pancreatic cancer.  The fundraiser still went on as planned, just moved to another church.  Fundraiser aside, I do not understand why people do this sort of thing.  Whether it be a church, a business, or a home. It makes no sense to me.


mCat said...

I don't get it. I'm sorry friend

just call me jo said...

Rick was the guy in charge of locking the church in Idaho. It's scary how many people lurk around in the churches at night, etc. They smoke, have sex and who knows what else. I don't understand why anyone would set fire to a church especially at Christmastime. I think God just is sorely disappointed in his creations (us) sometimes.

Cynthia said...

I saw that on the news. Total jerks! We actually had someone attempt that at our church building once too. Grr!